Travel and Transport

Travel and Transport statistics are primarily published by NISRA statisticians within the Department for Infrastructure (DfI). These statistics are widely used in decision making and developing / monitoring departmental policies. Analysis, Statistics and Research Branch (ASRB) provide statistical and research support to DfI. All statistics produced by ASRB are designated as ‘Official Statistics’ and a subset of these are designated as ‘National Statistics’. This means that there is a statutory requirement for them to meet the standards of the Code of Practice. 

For the full range of DfI Statistics and Research outputs, please visit the DfI Statistics and Research page.

In addition, NISRA statisticians working within the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and the NI Road Safety Partnership (NIRSP) publish statistics on road traffic collisions, motoring offences and safety camera activity.

For statistics and research on a range of topics within the Transport and Travel theme, including the PSNI and NIRSP, click on the relevant links below.